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Your Daily Bible Quote Blog

Get an up-close look at Biblical truths and learn how to apply God’s word to your everyday life, so that you can connect with God’s word in a more meaningful way. We aim to provide interesting “the facts” and spiritual insight to give you the tools to live a more joyful, blessed life.

Take Your Christian Life To The Next Level

Athletes are always looking to take their game to the next level. Businesspeople always want to grow revenue and market share. Scientists continually try to expand their knowledge. With so many people always working to take it the next level, should Christians be any different?

Success: A Christian Viewpoint

Have you ever felt that you should be more successful? Do you ever feel dissatisfied with your level of career achievement? But as you can see, much of these negative feelings come from “comparing” ourselves to others. And that means our focus is on the wrong thing; our focus should be on our relationship with Christ.

5 Bible Verses For Living In The NOW

Reminiscing about the past or planning the future can be joyful. Spend too much time doing either, though, and you risk losing God’s great gift of NOW.

God Has Chosen To Bring You Closer

How wonderful for you to know that God has chosen YOU. The fact that you’re reading this now proves that YOUR heart has a desire for God. But that desire does not originate with you. God chose to ignite that fire in your heart.

The Joy Of Washing Others’ Feet

One of the most beautiful stories of serving others is written in the Gospel of John when Jesus washes His disciples’ feet.

5 Bible Verses To Strengthen You During Tough Times!

Want strength like Samson? The exciting news is that when we follow Christ, we can be filled with the strength to face any problem. Here are 5 bible verses that you can keep in mind to keep you strong even during difficult times.

How To Deal With An Ever Changing World

Have you ever felt scared or nervous about the rapid changes happening in society and the world? As worrisome as all these changes are, we have reason to be joyful, peaceful and confident. We have God’s eternal love and promises.

Liberate Yourself From Worry

According to the National Institutes of Health about 31% of adults experience anxiety. And the effects can be detrimental both mentally and physically. As believers in Christ Jesus, we should know that time spent worrying is not what God wants for us.

Fight The Good Fight

During the Apostle Paul’s ministry, he had to fight. He took some punches. He was shipwrecked on several occasions … flogged … beaten … stoned … and even bitten by a poisonous snake. But through all this, Paul did not give up. He didn’t throw in the towel.

Made In The Image Of God

God very intentionally created us in His image and likeness. Before we let this go to our heads, we should think about what this means and how the knowledge can help us live to in accordance with God’s desires.

A Guaranteed Way To Increase Your Faith

Jesus was clear that faith allows people to receive miracles and healing (Luke 18:42). With faith such an important part of our Christian life, the big questions are do we have enough faith and how can we receive a bigger portion of faith?

Share Your Faith To Get God's Contentment

Is it right to accept all of God’s blessings and not ask what is expected of us? The above verse, known as The Great Commission, has Jesus commanding us to spread the good news.

5 Bible Verses For A Better Relationship

The Bible is a book about love. It reveals how much God loves us and how we should love God in return. As much as the Bible teaches us about spiritual love, it can also teach us about how we should treat our romantic partner.

Deceitful Lusts – Compulsive Liars

Have you ever encountered temptation that was too enticing to resist? The problem with temptation and lust is … they lie. Temptation promises us pleasure, but all it delivers is pain.

Get More Than A Piece Of Peace

In these uncertain times, true peace would be worth any price. Thank God, Jesus has paid the price. And we – as Christians – can receive true and complete peace through Christ Jesus. What Does The Bible Mean When It Talks About Peace?

Inspirational TV: A Review Of The Chosen

Have you seen The Chosen? It’s one of the biggest television phenomena in history! The Chosen is the first multi-season television show ever produced about the life of Jesus. The number of viewers is also history making – over 100 million fans have been documented worldwide.

Your Joyful Christian Life

We – as Christians – have EVERY reason to be joyful. Living a Christ-focused life makes joy inescapable! Our joy from drawing closer to Christ is so much better than mere happiness. Happiness comes and goes with life’s happenings.

For More Blessings Do A Little Name Dropping

You, as a Christian, want to help bring more blessings to people’s lives. But just how can we ask for God’s blessings? Ask In The Name Of Jesus Jesus’ name literally means SALVATION.

The Strength And Power Of Humility

Today, it isn’t easy being humble. Society judges people on how much MORE they have than others. More money … more fame … more homes … more luxuries … more selfies on social media. By worldly standards, someone who acts humbly is considered weak. This is why allowing the world to define our standards is so dangerous for Christians seeking a godly life.

The Armor Of God Part 6 – The Sword Of The Spirit

The last piece of armor the Apostle Paul tells us to take is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17). The sword of the Spirit is the only item that Paul mentions that is truly both defensive and offensive. One can block Satan’s flaming arrows with the sword of the Spirit, or one can attack Satan head on.

The Armor Of God Part 5 – The Helmet Of Salvation

Paul the Apostle tell us in Ephesians 6:13-16 to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to put out Satan’s flaming darts. When Satan fires his flaming darts, what would be one of his favorite targets? Satan Fires At The Head, So Take The Helmet Of Salvation! What better target for Satan than our heads. After all, isn’t that the favorite target in war. By protecting our heads, we protect our thoughts and our ability to think.

The Armor Of God Part 4 – The Shield Of Faith

When the Apostle Paul talks of the Shield Of Faith in his letter to the Ephesians (6:10-17), he’s talking about much more than a protective barrier. The shield of the Roman soldier was also a proactive tool that could help in battle. Plus, it was a tool that was just as effective – if not more effective – when used in cooperation with other soldiers’ shields.

Armor of God Part 3 - The Sandals Of Preparation

Paul The Apostle tells us in his letter to the Ephesians (6:13) that we are to stand (against the wiles of the devil). And – of course – nothing makes standing easier than a good pair of shoes. Now – in Part 3 of this 6 part series on the Armor Of God – we will discuss the sandals.

Armor Of God Part 2 – The Breastplate Of Righteousness

Life seems so much more difficult and complicated today. But God has given us a tool to not only manage life’s challenges, but also thrive. The Apostle Paul instructs us to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Now, in Part two of this six-part series, we will discuss the second item of armor that Paul mentions … The Breastplate Of Righteousness.

The Armor Of God Part 1 - The Belt of Truth

We are being assaulted every day by deceptive messages. It seems that we are constantly in a battle to discern the lies (and the work of Satan, the father of lies) so that we can embrace and speak the truth. The Apostle Paul made it clear that we needed the truth to stand against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).

Want To Hear God’s Voice? Listen Up!

It’s hard to imagine what it was like for our Biblical heroes – such as Moses, Abraham, and Noah – who could hear God’s voice so clearly. Wouldn’t our lives be so much more beautiful and powerful if we could actually hear God talking to us? Well, the GREAT news is that we CAN hear God’s voice. Here’s what Christ Jesus told us …

The Joy Of Giving

Everybody loves receiving. Whether it’s a gift, compliment, or wonderful surprise … we love being on the receiving end of something nice. But, of course, Jesus enlightened us to the truth that as good as it is to receive … GIVING IS SO MUCH BETTER!

The Power Of God’s Kindness

When we think about the power of God, it might be easy to focus on His mighty judgement. But could it be possible that God’s grandest power is instead found in His kindness?

Want To Draw Closer To Jesus? Put It In Writing!

Want to get it “write” in your Christian journey? Try Christian journaling. A Christian journal can regularly record your thoughts, Bible readings, ideas, prayers, reflections, experiences, and new understandings.

Want To Get More Out Of Your Life – Give It A Rest!

Have you ever felt like you needed a secret weapon for living a better, more productive, and joyful life? If so, here it is … YOU NEED TO GIVE IT A REST – Observe The Sabbath, That Is!

Your Best Christian Life Is As Close As Your Neighbor

Your best Christian life is as close as your neighbor! Check out what is says in the gospel of Mark … Mark 12:30-31 and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. The second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

The Heart Of A Lion

As Christians we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and have God in our corner, but we can at times feel afraid. God Calls Us To Do His Work Boldly!

Be A Hero In The Movie Of Your Life

As a Christian, you should not let your challenges and hardships slow you down. They are just part of your own glorious story…

Have Faith And Knock!

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth

10 Geniuses Who Believed In God

The truth is that some of history’s greatest geniuses were believers in God and were Christians.

How Many Gifts Of The Spirit Do You Know? Let’s Unwrap The Gifts!

Not everyone receives the same gifts. Like an effective sports team, different players have specific roles. And YOUR gifts have been given to you to help you glorify God

Who Do You Call "Friend"?

Do your friends bring out the best in you? Another question might be, do you even need friends?

Let Your Light Shine

If you’ve ever thought that you should blend into the background in the hopes of not being noticed, I have news for you. GOD WANTS YOU TO STAND OUT!

Invest In Your Future – And Forgive

It’s hard to forgive. The need for revenge, retaliation, and holding a grudge at times seems to be part of our genetic makeup

Be 100% Confident! You’ve Got It All!

Well, here’s a word of encouragement. You CAN handle anything. Sound too good to be true. Take a look at this:

Just Like Moses – You Are Enough!

Have you ever felt like you are not enough? Have you ever been afraid that you didn’t have what it takes to accomplish something important?

Put The Sacred In Sacrifice

Is the word sacrifice positive or negative to you? Have you ever heard someone use the word negatively, like … “I have sacrificed so much and for what?”

Mercy Me

If you are deserving of mercy and you receive it, that feels wonderful. And being the recipient of mercy can feel even better if it’s not deserved.

The Hidden Blessing In Our Faults

Have you ever gotten down on yourself because you acted selfishly or lost your temper? Do you feel that the parts of you that need improvement make you unworthy?

Truths Worth Their Salt!

Have you ever wondered if you’re worthy … if you matter? Well, the glorious answer is … YOU ARE TREMENDOUSLY IMPORTANT!

Time Is On Your Side

Time can fly. Time can drag on. And – MOSTLY IMPORTANT – time can be a wonderful gift given to you by God.

How Noah Can Teach You Keep Your Head Above Water

Are you having trouble keeping your head above water during these challenging times? Take a lesson from Noah. Nobody had higher waters to contend with than him.

Want Heaven On Earth? Tear Down The Curtains!

Other translations of the Bible say it this way, “For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” The kingdom of God is right here? Within our midst? Within us?

All Things Work Together For Good

How can ALL things work together for good? Not ALL things are good. Right? We’ve all had hardships, tragedies, and losses. How can this Bible verse be right … that those very real difficulties will work together for good?

Repeat After Me: Yes! I! Can!

Have you ever thought that all your efforts might be for nothing? Or that maybe your dreams will never come true?

YourDailyBibleQuote provides daily biblical verses as well as inspirational and fact-base content for those that are looking for a deeper understanding of the Bible. We aim to provide an uplifting perspective on the Word Of God by creating interpretations of the Bible and express how one can apply the passages to everyday life in the modern world.