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10 Geniuses Who Believed In God

By: Elliot M.

Published: June 23, 2022

Have you ever met people who think that they are too smart to believe in God? The truth is that some of history’s greatest geniuses were believers in God and were Christians. So, the next time someone tries to suggest that they’re too smart for God, remind them of these brilliant minds that had faith in God.

Geniuses Who Thought That Faith In God Was A No-Brainer

A 2005 study found that 2/3 of all scientists believe in God. Here’s a short list of God-fearing geniuses:

Sir Isaac Newton (Born 1643):
This English mathematician and physicist developed the laws of motion and universal gravitation. These are the same laws and equations that help us put a man on the moon. His Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1687) is one of the most important books ever written in modern science’s history. Newton wrote extensively about Biblical concepts and would study the Bible for weeks at a time.

Dr. Francis Collins (Born 1950):
Dr. Collins is an American physician and Evangelical Christian who has worked on the Human Genome Project. He is a geneticist who discovered genes causing genetic diseases and who was director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). This genius was quoted as saying, “I see DNA as God’s language.”

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Born 1646):
When it comes to brain power it would be hard to top Leibniz. He discovered the binary numeral system (or the base-2 system) which we find in today’s computers … and he did this hundreds of years ago. He discovered infinitesimal calculus and invented the Leibniz wheel which was used in mechanical calculators until electronic calculators started being used in the 1970s. Leibniz considered God “an absolutely perfect being” who thus knows what is best and always acts in the best way. 

Raymond Vahan Damadian (Born 1936):
This American Physician and inventor developed the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. He is the winner of several awards such as the Lemelson-MIT Prize Program’s $100,000 Lifetime Achievement Award. During a 1957 Billy Graham crusade, he responded to the altar call and became a Christian.

Dr. Gerhard Ertl (Born 1936):
This German physicist created the foundation of modern surface chemistry. His groundbreaking work has led the way for developing cleaner fuel sources. Ertl won the 2007 Nobel Prize in chemistry and is quoted as saying, “I believe in God. I am a Christian and I try to live as a Christian. I read the Bible very often and I try to understand it.”

Your Belief In God Puts You In Good Company

These are just a handful of the brilliant minds that are both SMART and WISE enough to put their faith in God. Give yourself a pat on the back for sharing their intelligent insight. And the next time someone tells you that they are too smart to believe in God, share a few of these names with them!


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