How would you like to get in the boxing ring and fight Mohammad Ali or Mike Tyson in the prime of their lives?
One thing is sure … you would get hit. But if you could finish the fight – or even win – you would have a lifetime of glory and bragging rights.
During the Apostle Paul’s ministry, he had to fight. He took some punches. He was shipwrecked on several occasions … flogged … beaten … stoned … and even bitten by a poisonous snake.
But through all this, Paul did not give up. He didn’t throw in the towel. Paul trusted In the mission God had given him. And in the end … in Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he tells us that he fought the good fight.
2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course (race). I have kept the faith.
(Side note: These words are so impactful that this verse is one of the most common verses put on tombstones to reflect a person’s life and beliefs.)
When Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, Paul was also awaiting a Roman trial and execution. Even worse for Paul, at the time he wrote this letter, there were problems in the churches (such as false teachers).
So, What Is Fighting The Good Fight?
Paul’s example teaches us to fight for the mission that God has given us. Paul did not have an easy life. But he didn’t let the hardships get him down. He got back up. That’s FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT. That’s FINISHING THE RACE.
In this Bible verse the word “fight” comes from the same root word that creates our word “agony.” This makes sense considering a real fight can be torturous.
We, too, should ask God for the strength, endurance, and tenacity to fight to be more like Christ every day and to battle our selfish urges so that we can truly love our neighbor.
1 Corinthians 9:24
Don’t you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run like that, so that you may win.
It’s a tough question to ask, but in our last moments of life, will we be able to say that we fought the good fight? Did we give it our all?
Were we brave enough to fight for our faith in Christ? Did we cross the finish line knowing we lived our lives for God’s glory?
It isn’t easy being a champion. It takes heart. But imagine the joy we’ll feel when we cross the finish line knowing that we lived like Christ’s champions.
What do we win? We bring glory to Christ. We bring contentment to God. And we draw closer to the Creator. There are no rewards that could bring us greater joy!