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How Many Gifts Of The Spirit Do You Know? Let’s Unwrap The Gifts!

By: Elliot M.

Published: June 23, 2022

God has given us the gifts of the Spirit to help us do His will on earth. Because God’s work is challenging, every gift is needed to help Christians play their role in bringing God glory.

What Exactly Are The Gifts Of The Spirit?

Not everyone receives the same gifts. Like an effective sports team, different players have specific roles. And YOUR gifts have been given to you to help you glorify God. Here’s a list of JUST SOME of the gifts of the Spirit:

-Prophecy: The inspired declaration of divine will and purpose. This can include predictions of things to come, but often refers to proclaiming the Word of God.

-Serving: The doing of tangible work in the service of God. Some gifts of the Spirit, such as healing may seem spectacular. But what’s MORE SPECTACULAR than applying your will and elbow grease to achieve a goal in service to God.

-Teaching: The diligent study of scripture with the mission of teaching and passing on God’s truth. This gift isn’t just given to pastors. People who share their faith with friends and family are great candidates for the gift of teaching.

-Word of Wisdom: The ability to speak God’s wisdom to help people in their Christian journey. This gift can correct and enlighten persecutors and unbelievers, and to glorify God. It can also be used to help in the solving of problems.

-Faith: The gift whereby the Spirit provides Christians with exceptional confidence in God’s promises and plans. This gift can radiate to all and help bring all people closer to God. And that faith can help provide the fuel for miracles in achieving God’s ends.

-Healing: The capacity to heal various mental and physical illnesses through God’s divine intervention. The recipient of this gift humbly heals in the name of our Lord Jesus. Whether someone is healed is ALWAYS at God’s discretion and the ultimate purpose is the salvation of souls.

-Speaking in Tongues: The utterance of prayer or speaking words (in a language unknown to the speaker) which glorify God. (1 Corinthians 14:2)

-Interpretation of Tongues: The supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to allow a Christian to understand and explain messages uttered in an unknown language.

Have You Given Thought To The Gift(s) That You’ve Received?

What good is a gift that you don’t unwrap? You’ll never knew what you have. And that gift won’t bring joy. The beautiful adventure awaiting all Christians is the discovery of the gift (or gifts) that have been given and using those gifts to bring God pleasure. (Open your Bibles to discover more on how God has blessed His church with the gifts of the Spirit.) So, what are you waiting for? Show the world how GIFTED you are!


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