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Does God Sometimes Conceal Himself From Us?

By: Elliot M.

Published: June 23, 2022

Have you ever felt like God was playing an elaborate game of Hide And Seek with you? There are times when we feel His presence is so real. And there are times when God’s presence may seem distant. And, of course, there are millions of souls waiting to be saved that see no evidence of God. Because they see no evidence of God, they conclude that He does NOT exist. So, why has God made it difficult at times to sense His presence. 

God Wants Us To Follow Him Of Our Own Free Will.

Our love and obedience to God would mean little to Him if it wasn’t given freely and joyfully. If we could easily experience God through our five senses, it would truly take away our freedom to follow – or not follow – God and Christ Jesus. Being able to sense God with our senses would take the element of faith out of our experience with God.

John 20:29 -- "Jesus saith unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

We Are Being Strengthened Through God’s Tests.

To have faith in God is to know that everything that happens to us is for our benefit (Romans 8:28). When Satan said to God that he would like to test Job, God gave His permission. Job lost almost everything, but at no time did Job question God. And it’s clear that there were moments that Job had lost the ability to feel God’s presence.

Job 23:8-9 -- "Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; And backward, but I cannot perceive him; On the left hand, when he doth work, but I cannot behold him; He hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him."

At these times we need to go to God in prayer and read His word. We can be sure that if we seek God’s presence that He will reveal Himself to us (Matthew 7:7-8).

We – Because Of Our Sins – Have Created Distance Between Us And God.

One reason God conceals Himself from us is because of our sin.

Micah 3:4 -- "Then shall they cry unto Jehovah, but he will not answer them; yea, he will hide his face from them at that time, according as they have wrought evil in their doings."

Thankfully this distance from God can be rectified through repentance (Acts 3:19).

When God Plays Hide And Seek, Start Seeking!

We shouldn’t just wish we had a closer relationship with God and Christ Jesus. We need to ask, seek, and knock for His presence in our lives. After all, God’s great joy is when He is in relationship with us!

John 3:16 -- "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life."


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