We praise God when we are full of His joy. And praising God then increases our joy.
Psalm 4:7
You have put gladness (joy) in my heart, more than when their grain and their new wine are increased.
Scripture is clear that giving God praise should be as natural to us as breathing.
Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise Yah (God)! Praise Yah!
Check Out Psalms To Discover A Master Class On Praise!
The Book of Psalms is composed of 150 Hebrew poems, songs, and prayers from diverse times. Psalms is divided into five books. And each book has a similar ending of praise.
Psalm 41:13 (the end of Book One)
Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, from everlasting and to everlasting! Amen and amen.
The poems of praise contained in Psalms express joy and celebration, and they tell of what good that God has done and to thank God for that good. It is true that Psalms has more than its share of lamentations (expressions of pain, confusion, and anger about how painful the world can be), but as the Book of Psalms progresses, the lamentations become fewer, and the poems of praise become dominant.
The book of Psalms read in its entirety also tells the PRAISEWORTHY STORY of God’s promise of providing a Messianic King that would establish God’s kingdom on earth.
Let’s Look At A PRAISEWORTHY EXAMPLE – Psalm 148!
This Psalm starts and ends with the encouragement for everyone to praise the Lord (Hallelujah). It next tells us to praise God from the heavens and the heights (land). This calls back to the beginning of the Genesis when God created the heavens and the earth.
And why should everything in heaven and on land praise God? …
Psalm 148:5
Let them praise Yahweh’s name, for he commanded, and they were created.
We should praise God because we exist BECAUSE of Him. And without Him we would CEASE to exist.
This Psalm urges the mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars to praise God (148:9). And how does something like a fruit tree praise God? By producing fruit … by doing what God created it to do. So, we too can praise God by doing what we were created to do – loving God and loving our neighbor.
In 148:14 it says that God has raised up a horn for His people. This horn symbolizes a bull’s horn raised in victory. This image refers to the image used in Psalm 132. The horn is a symbol for the future Messianic king – Jesus – and His victory over evil.
There Is Reason To Praise God!
The Book of Psalms teaches us that though we may have trials and hardships, the Lord God has created us. He has lifted the horn of victory up, though Christ Jesus. And we have EVERY REASON to be praise God joyfully!