A lie found in Matthew 28:13 provides strong evidence that Jesus truly died on the cross and was resurrected.
Before you hear the lie, here’s a little background …
The day after Jesus’ crucifixion, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pontius Pilate asking for a company of guards to be placed around Jesus’ tomb. These leaders were worried that Jesus’ disciples might come at night and steal Jesus’ body. An empty tomb would validate everything Jesus preached. (See Matthew 27:62-66.)
Pilate did give the priests their guards. The word Pilate used for guards was koustodia. This was a superior group of soldiers, similar in reputation to today’s Seal Team 6.
It was composed of 16 elite soldiers, divided into four-man groups. Each soldier was responsible for a 6’ X 6’ area … each area connected to form a grid. This koustodia would have made it humanly impossible for any group of people to steal Jesus’ body.
Discipline for this unit of soldiers was unmatched. Not only would any soldier who fell asleep during guard duty be beaten and executed, but the entire 16-man unit would also be executed. Their motivation for staying alert was extreme.
As reported in Matthew 27:65-66, Jesus’ tomb was secured with the guards and a governmental seal.
And – Of Course – This Happened …
On the third day, Jesus resurrected.
Matthew 28:3-4
His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. For fear of him, the guards shook, and became like dead men.
These battle-hardened men were so shocked that they froze in fear. After Jesus departed, some of the soldiers stayed at the tomb while others went to the chief priests to report on what happened.
The chief priests, if they thought the guards had fallen down on the job, would have surely wanted them punished. But that’s not what occurred.
And Here Is The Lie That Should Strengthen Our Faith!
Matthew 28:11-13
Now while they were going, behold, some of the guards came into the city and told the chief priests all the things that had happened. When they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel, they gave a large amount of silver to the soldiers, saying, “Say that his disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept.
Yep, the priests bribed the soldiers. The priests told the soldiers to spread a lie … that the disciples stole Jesus’ body while the soldiers slept.
The priests KNEW they did NOT fall asleep on the job. These soldiers had a spotless reputation for discipline. Very simply, the priests believed the soldiers’ story … that Jesus rose from the dead.
The priests also promised the guards protection (Matthew 28:14).
So, there it is … the lie concocted by priests and told by Roman soldiers. There has maybe never been such a wonderful example of a lie proving such a beautiful truth.