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Who is the father of Joseph, the dream interpreter?

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Samuel Joshua Jacob Isaac
Inspiration and Bible-Fact Blogs
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For More Blessings, Do A Little Name Dropping which expands on the theme of giving praise to Jesus.
The Strength And Power Of Humility discusses how leading a humble life, like the Lord did, can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying life.
The Power of God’s Kindness focuses on the concept that while God is all powerful, His greatest power might be His kindness.
Grow With Topical Bible Study explains how studying Bible by focusing on specific topics can lead to greater understanding.
A Good Look At Sin! dives into the idea that we are all human and we all sin, and explains what it really means to sin.
Read The Bible Blog

Ecclesiastes – How To Find Meaning In A Fleeting World

When did you first ask what is the meaning of life? Trying to answer that question might have helped bring you to Chr...

Take Your Christian Life To The Next Level

Athletes are always looking to take their game to the next level. Businesspeople always want to grow revenue and mark...

Faith vs. Works

When sincere Christians get together to talk about their faith, the topic of faith verses works is often discussed. A...

Success: A Christian Viewpoint

Have you ever felt that you should be more successful? Do you ever feel dissatisfied with your level of career achiev...

Jesus’ Last Words – A Clue To Their Meaning

Bible scholars and Christians throughout the centuries have often been puzzled by Jesus’ last words which He spoke on...

YourDailyBibleQuote provides daily biblical verses as well as inspirational and fact-base content for those that are looking for a deeper understanding of the Bible. We aim to provide an uplifting perspective on the Word Of God by creating interpretations of the Bible and express how one can apply the passages to everyday life in the modern world.

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